Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sedition Act

1)The creation of the Sedition Act was to help control pro-French troublemakers by forbidding criticism of the federal government. The Sedition Act required criminal penalties for persons who said or published anything false, scandalous, or malicious against the federal government, congress or the president. The Sedition Act was created in 1798. There were twenty-five American citizens that were arrested under the Sedition Act.

2)Yes I think the sedition act was unconstitutional because people have the "freedom of speech". It is the people opinion on what they think. Just because someone does not like the president and says something about it doesn't mean he should be arrested for it. People have the right to express them selves through freedom of speech and they were taking that away from the people.

3)I think the right of free speech should be absolute except in times of war. During times of peace people should be able to speak freely about anything they want. They should be able to express themselves. During times of war speech should be a little stricter. People should be able to let the government know what they think of the matter. But not get in the way of what the government is doing.

4)During times of peace I do not believe there should be any restrictions on freedom of speech. That is what freedom of speech is for people have the right to say whatever they feel and believe.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Religion and the Pledge

1) The Pledge reads."I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." The phrase under God was added in 1954. It was added so that the U.S. could be separate from countries that did not believe in God.

2) The Ninth Circuit decision declared the phrase "under God" unconstitutional because the state can not teach religion in schools. This made parents that did not believe in god agree that there children were saying on nation under God in the pledge to the United States Flag.

3)The first amendment the Freedom of Speech is directly relevant to this case. If someone does not want to recite the Pledge of Allegiance they are not forced to. If they are against saying under God they do not have to it is the persons freedom of being and citizen of the United States.

4)Arguments for reciting "under God". There is no one who is forced to say the pledge.Saying the pledge does not harm anyone to say it. It is a freedom of religion don't say it if you don't believe in it. Saying under god is a tradition not meant to harm anyone if saying under God was unconstitutional the constitution would be unconstitutional and even Declaration of Independence.
Arguments against reciting "under God". Freedom of religion means people do not have to believe in God. Putting the phrase in the pledge and having kids in school say it everyday is against the first amendment.

5)a."Our board of education believes strongly that our students should be allowed to recite the Pledge. We are proud to defend the Pledge of Allegiance." I agree with this statement. Because I believe that everyone who lives in America should have to recite the pledge. This country was founded by people who believed in god and wanted to worship him. True this is a free country and people don't have to believe in God. But it shows respect to this great country by stating what this country was founded on and that was religion of God. People should be proud to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tax cuts

1)The government is trying to get all they can out of everyone with out taking everything. When the government does this they can not tax the lower class because they would take everything they have. So they can tax the rich more. On paper it looks like the rich gets better tax cuts but they don't. In the end the rich still have to pay more in tax because they make more money.

2)No I do not think the tax system is this simple because the government has professionals that come out and look over your house and belongings to see what kind of things you have. Also they have to know how much money you make. If you have a brand new vehicle and a new house they are going to tax you more for it than if you just have an old house and vehicle.
"My tax cut plan is not just about productivity, it is about people. Economics is more than narrow interests or organized envy. A tax plan must apply market principles to the public interest. And my plan sets out to make life better for average men, women and children."
— President George W. Bush. In this statement Bush is saying that the tax system isn't as simple as most people think.

Bush, George. "Increasing Tax Fairness."
The White House 1. 11 Dec 2008

3)Mr. Kamerschen is a republican. He says in the article about the smaller people whining about not getting enough money back. But the rich people are still paying their fair share it just doesn't sound like it. He is also a republican because he is saying without the upper class the middle and lower class will not be able to give the government the money they need to run the government.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

President Debate 2

Obama thinks that the Middle Class should have a break on taxes, when McCain wants to stop the wasteful spending, help people out , and restore the economy. All these things need to happen to our economy, but our Middle Class is the one that needs the most help. McCain's wants to give the big businesses a break from taxes when they do not need it. The Middle Class is the ones that keep our country going. They work, and support the small businesses, that helps support the country. Obama believes that Bush is the reason why our economy is going down hill since we had a lot of wasteful spending. He also wants to help out on the income and the wages. McCain wants to stabilize the markets, which would be good for us, but bad for them. Obama wants to cut the spending and focus on saving our money and getting out of debt. McCain blames Obama for wasteful spending and thinks that we should build nuclear plants in our country because nuclear power is the way to go. He also thinks that he can work on health, energy, and nuclear war fair at the same time. Obama wants to work on them one at a time, but he wants to do energy first, then health, and then education. McCain's programs may eliminate deficit spending, and he recommends a spending freeze. Obama believes in the clean coal technology and wants to cut the oil companies money to save money and he would like to have leadership from Washington. McCain describes Obama as Herbert Hoover, he will cause the small business to lose their jobs instead of helping the people that make our country keep going. He also wants to reduce the income tax on the Middle Class. Obama wants to have a tax cut for 90% of Americans and wants to make an investment, but wants the people to look at their backgrounds. Meaning Obama and McCain's background. McCain has talked to leaders that know how to run our country when Obama hasn't done anything to help him out. McCain wants to get away from the Bush Administration so he can fix nuclear power, green technology, and taxes. He wants to increase 95% of people's income taxes about $5,000 as a refund. Obama wants to lower the premium and thinks that the government to crack down on insurance companies that cheat the people. McCain wants to prevent the spreading of terrism as well as wanting the troops to come home to a victory. Obama thinks that we shouldn't go to war and we really shouldn't be giving them our money. He thinks that if we change policies with the Iraq people then that will make everything better, and wants to find Ben La don and kill him because they are plotting to kill more Americans. I believe that McCain did a better job in this election than the last. Because he was more outspoken in this election and had more to say. I still do not know who i am going to vote for in the upcoming election. I am leaning toward John McCain but I have not made up my decision for sure about who I want for President.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Our economy is in bad spot right now. The government is spending lots of money on the war in Iraq. I believe we should be supporting the war and that we should have went to war when 911 first happened. But now we are spending money and part of that is ending up in the hands of the Iraq people that are fighting us. The other reason the economy is the way it is, is because we have people with big businesses that do not know how to take care of there billions of dollars. Now they expect the hard working middle class to bail them out.

Sept. 14th the Lehman brothers were on the brink of collapse and they scrambled for a buyer. Sept. 15th AIG hit with a downgrade needing 85 billion bailout for AIG. Sept. 17th gold rose 70$, oil rose 6$. The Dow dropped 450 points by the end of the day. Sept. 18th central banks around the world to invest a total of $180 billion in global financial markets. AIG was tossed out of the Dow Jones industrial average and replaced with food giant Kraft. Sept. 19th Treasury Secretary Paulson outlined the governments plan to put up hundreds of billions of dollars to help stem the crisis, saying ''' the financial security of all Americans... depend on the our ability to restore our financial institutions to a sound footing.''' Sept. 20 administration asking for $700 billion to buy troubled mortgage assets and get the financial system flowing again. Sept. 21 Pelosi said ''' we will not simply hand over $700 billion blank check to wall street and hope for a better outcome.'''Sept. 22 massive federal bailout that was greeted with relief on Friday sending the Dow up 369 point. Sept. 24 debate about the bush administration's proposed $700 billion bailout raged on. Sept. 25 Washington mutual collapsed late Thursday night marking the biggest bank failure in history. Sept. 29 the house of representatives voted down the $700 billion financial bailout plan by a 228-205 margin. the Dow plunged 777 points its largest one-day point drop ever.

The $700 billion dollar bail out plan was the first bail out plan. It did not work because there were not enough regulations for the big businesses and the republicans didn't give enough support and the tax payers would have to pay it back. The billion dollar bail out that was before congress is now passed to bail out the big businesses.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Actual Democracy

1. Our founding fathers did not want a true democracy. Before they came to the United States they were under a rule of tyranny.

2. The problem with oligarchical representative republican system is human greed. The people on top are scared of loosing wealth so they get greedy and satisfy themselves not their country.

3. Our Status Que works with the people on the bottom that want to improve their position in life, but they have no political power. Then you have the people on top or wealthy that want it to stay that way. The end result, nothing happens because those that want change don’t have the ability and those that have the ability don’t want change.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thomas Jefferson

1. market where men should be bought and sold, carrying the in another hemisphere

2.incur miserable death in their transportation thither. murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them.

3.Jefferson does not agree with slavery in the form of torture. He also does not think we should be taking them from there homes to a new land or making them experience the horrible deaths that they had to go through to get here.

4. He was against it he was trying to prove to the people that it was wrong in enslaving these people. Because they are human beings themselves and shouldn't be treated like animals.

5. The king is saying that the African Americans are meant to take orders and work and should not have any special treatments.