Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sedition Act

1)The creation of the Sedition Act was to help control pro-French troublemakers by forbidding criticism of the federal government. The Sedition Act required criminal penalties for persons who said or published anything false, scandalous, or malicious against the federal government, congress or the president. The Sedition Act was created in 1798. There were twenty-five American citizens that were arrested under the Sedition Act.

2)Yes I think the sedition act was unconstitutional because people have the "freedom of speech". It is the people opinion on what they think. Just because someone does not like the president and says something about it doesn't mean he should be arrested for it. People have the right to express them selves through freedom of speech and they were taking that away from the people.

3)I think the right of free speech should be absolute except in times of war. During times of peace people should be able to speak freely about anything they want. They should be able to express themselves. During times of war speech should be a little stricter. People should be able to let the government know what they think of the matter. But not get in the way of what the government is doing.

4)During times of peace I do not believe there should be any restrictions on freedom of speech. That is what freedom of speech is for people have the right to say whatever they feel and believe.

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