Monday, October 1, 2007

child labor laws

1.) Fair Labor Standards Act

2.) initative seeks to promote positive and safe work experiences for young workers.

3.) 14 years minimum age of imployment and limit number hours worked my minors underage 16. wage set and safty requirements for minors under age 18.

4.) minors of any age my be employed at anytime in any occupation on a farm owned or operated by his or her parents.

5.) minimum wage for employees is 5.58$ per hour.

6.) Occupational Safety and health administration.

7.)ages 14-15, 3hours in a school day, 18 hours in a school week, 8hours on a non school day, 40 hours in a non school week and between 7am-7pm exept from June 1, through Labor Day when nighttime work hours are extended to 9pm.

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